Campus Farm Strawbale: Logo
For the 2018 Straw Bale build, we wanted a new logo that really reflected the design of our building. I mocked up a few designs and we ended up choosing the design with the initials of "GB" for Green Build with the piece of wheat in the middle and the building's unique roof silhouette on top.

Campus Farm Strawbale: Signs
Inside the building, we have two signs place in the walls between the doors. One is a Donor Plaque, to thank all the amazing donors to our project, from grants to material donation. The second sign is the sign for the rules of the building, including maximum occupancy, fire rules, and that the building cannot be scheduled as a class room. The signs are made from rounds of cherry wood that were laser engraved with the design, spray painted white, and then sanded to show the lettering in white.

Campus Farm Strawbale: Patch
All team members and major partners and volunteers of the Strawbale Build received a patch to commemorate the amazing work we did. There is also a special patch for the members of the team that camped at Radrick Challenge course during the build. These are the designs I created for the team to choose from.