UMBS Strawbale (2017)
In 2017, I was part of a team of 23 undergraduate students, 1 graduate student, and a professor from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. During the month of May, we lived at the University of Michigan's Biological Station in Pellston, MI and built a 400 square foot strawbale building. The building was completely off the grid and solar powered. The wooden post were milled by the team from trees that had fallen on campus, and strawbales were used to create the building's walls and to be a natural insulation. The straw walls are covered in three layers of adobe. I was the student photographer to document the building process, part of the Logo team, and carved the pieces of wheat into the harden adobe on the corners of the building. The entire team worked to document the process by writing blog posts, as well as updating our facebook page with photographs, videos, and articles that were written about the building.